Bomberger Design Portfolio | Where Creativity Meets Strategy


Hi there! Im Matthew, a visionary Creative Director fueled by a love for problem-solving, curiosity, and big picture thinking. With a knack for asking insightful questions and uncovering underlying patterns, I excel at defining and designing the best path forward.

Throughout my career as a designer and Creative Director, I’ve been fortunate to build and lead teams from scratch, as well as drive brand strategy in a variety of settings—from scrappy startups to large, publicly traded companies.

Outside of work, Im passionate about music and songwriting. For years, I had the incredible opportunity to tour internationally with the band Reilly. Currently, Im working on a new EP with my talented 13-year-old daughter and loving every minute!

What people are saying…

What people are

Simply the best! Matthew brings a rare combination of creativity, design skill, and marketing sensibilities to his work. He seems to instinctively understand the objectives of our projects, helps to form the creative vision and then executes to high standards.

Adam Sacks

Oxford Economics, President

I counted on Matthew to solve the big, tough creative problems at The Hartford. His efforts helped us win many Best of Show and Awards of Excellence. Our sales team rallied around Matthews campaign concepts, resulting in huge revenues for The Hartford.

Donald Diehl

The Hartford, Creative Director

Select Clients

The ultimate team player, Matthew is a creative problem solver and empowering leader who was able to not just identify talent but actively nurture that talent in a growth minded way. Hes highly effective at balancing managing up to the leadership team and across departments, while also cultivating trust, integrity, and respect with those he managed.

Stephanie McKay

Comcast, Director

Matthew gets it. As Creative Director, he understands how to thread the needle when it comes to brand identity and business strategy. He has significantly elevated my team’s work.

Brent Harrison

Capital One, Marketing Lead


The full package! Matthew is a rockstar Creative Director, an extremely talented designer, artist, and true creative leader. He was instrumental in helping us define, elevate, and communicate our brand.

Sam Wolf

LuckyVitamin, CEO

I have had the opportunity to work with many different external and internal creative teams, and have found Matthew and his team to be the best.

Janice Jacobs

Hearing Life, SVP



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Ready to take your brand to the next level? When you hire me, you’re not just getting a Creative Director – you’re gaining a strategic partner dedicated to bringing your vision to life. Let’s collaborate and create something extraordinary.