Bomberger Design Portfolio | Where Creativity Meets Strategy

Capital One Business Brand Strategy


  • While Capital One enjoys strong consumer brand recognition, our business solutions often suffer from low awareness and consideration. This challenge is exacerbated by our separate lines of business operating independently, promoting their products with inconsistent logos, styles, and messaging.

At Capital One I led the development of a cohesive business brand vision, including a messaging framework, UX website navigation, social media strategies, and a unified landing experience. Each element reinforced one big idea:

Capital One means business.

Navigation Confusion

  • On the Capital One website navigation, “Business” and “Commercial” had two separate drop-down menus. Our research revealed that this distinction was unhelpful. Users tended to think of finances in terms of “Personal vs. Business” rather than “Business vs. Commercial” solutions.

Solution: Enhanced User-Friendly Dropdown

We consolidated our business offerings into a single drop-down menu with clear labels and taxonomy, simplifying the process for users to find products tailored to their needs.

Disjointed Social Media

  • Social media is one clear area where a unified brand strategy is critical. This screenshot from an official Capital One Business social channel, speaks to and drives to “small business” only.

Solution: Unified Social Media Strategy

  • Below is our reimagined social media strategy. The messaging encompasses all Capital One business solutions, leveraging top-of-house marketing efforts and directing traffic to a unified landing page.

Logo & Style Disarray

Displayed here are actual social media posts for Capital One Business, featuring four distinct logos and styles, leading to brand and visual inconsistency.

Solution: Unified Social Media Templates

  • The templates below show a better path forward. This approach maintains master brand consistency, while using messaging and labels to clearly differentiate our various Capital One Business offerings.

Where to Direct Users?

  • A challenge in our unified business approach was the absence of a shared landing page. We faced the dilemma of where to direct our business customers. While each line of business had their own pages, there was no unified landing page on the Capital One website.

Solution: Unified Landing Prototype for Business

  • The low-fidelity wireframe below illustrates a unified business experience, allowing customers to discover products tailored to their current and future needs. By consolidating into one location, we communicate the breadth of our business solutions, bolster our brand unity, and facilitate seamless customer progression as their businesses expand.

  • These diverse design assets played a key role in garnering senior leadership support across all business lines, driving transformative change in elevating a unified business brand strategy across Capital One.